HYUNDAIdir.: Nikolas Meybergmusic: Alexander W. D.
SPLIT SECONDdir.: Sinan Sevinçsound: Marco Dahl, Julian Bergmusic: Alexander W. D.
AMERICAN APPARELdir.: Dimitri Tsvetkovsound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
DIRTY MONEYdir.: Sinan Sevinç & Dominik Ströhlesound: Marco Dahl, Julian Bergmusic: Alexander W. D.
PUDDINGdir.: Christian Schillingsound: Robin Harff & Floyd Fürstenaumusic: ALEXANDER W. D.
SOCIAL SPOTdir.: Sinan Sevinçsound: Marco Dahl, Julian Bergmusic: Alexander W. D.
AJUMMA ENERGYdir.: Sandro Radossound: Marco Dahl, Julian Bergmusic: Alexander W. D.
WE THE INVISIBLEdir.: Oliver Bernotatsound: hive.audiomusic: Alexander W. D.
THE MAN WITH A COINdir.: Christian Schillingsound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
KLIMAXdir.: Bea Höllersound: Marco Dahlmusic: ALEXANDER W. D.
FOREVER YOUNGdir.:Dominik Ströhlesound: Berg & Dahl Audiomusic: Alexander W. D. & Hannes Biebervocals: Caroline Joy Clarke
DARK REDdir.: Eugen Merhersound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
A CENTURY IN MOTIONdir.: Dominik Ströhlesound: Marco Dahl, Julian Bergmusic: Alexander W. D., Dominik Ströhle
GORE-TEXdir.: CARAZsound: Denis Elmaci, Theo Porcetmusic: Alexander W. D.
DESIGNED FOR THE FEARLESSft. Lewis Hamilton dir.: Sinan Sevinçsound: IXYXImusic: Alexander W. D.
LET'S BUILD A WORLD OF BEAUTYdir.: Dominik Ströhlesound: Berg & Dahlmusic: Alexander W. D. narration: Tida Swinton
KLEINGELDdir.: Christian Schillingsound: hyve.audiomusic: Alexander W. D.
ORANGINAdir.: Christian Schillingsound: hyve.audiomusic: Alexander W. D.
THE LÄND OF FOOTBALLdir.: Mario Dahlsound: Berg & Dahl Audio music: Alexander W. D.
IN THE EYE OF THE STORMdir.: Eugen Merhersound: Robin Harff & Floyd Fürstenaumusic: Alexander W. D.
MOTOCICLISTAdir.: Eugen Merhersound: Denis Elmacimusic: Alexander W. D.
Disasters Emergency Committeedir.: Eugen Merhersound: Hyve Audio, Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
WEIRD SEARCH REQUESTSdir.: Sandro Radossound: Marco Dahl, Julian Bergmusic: Alex Kühn, Alexander W. D.
MCDONALDSdir.: Lars Timmermannmusic: Alexander W. D.
PG GRATULIERT DM ZUM 50. GEBURTSTAGdir.: Maximilian Bucksound: Denis Elmagicmusic: Alexander W. D.
THE ENEMYdir.: SHAPXOmusic: ALEXANDER W. D.sound: Julian Berg, Marco Dahl
SOCIAL SPOTdir.: Alex Kühnsound: Sirius Kestelmusic: Alexander W. D.
ALDI SÜDdir.: Hubi Entressmusic: Alexander W. D. sound: Denis Elmaci
THE BEAUTY (Shortfilm, Oscar Winner)dir.: Pascal Schelblisound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D. & Petteri Sainio
LIGHTS ONdir.: Eugen Merhersound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D. & Vitali Ehretvocals: Ibadet Ramadani
THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIPdir.: Christian Schillingsound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D. & Petteri Sainio
FATHERdir.: Christian Schillingsound: Robin Harff & Floyd Fürstenaumusic: Petteri Sainio, Alexander W. D.
SECURITYdir.: Alex Kühnsound: HYVE Audio, Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
SOCIAL SPOTdir.: Zornitsa Dimitrovasound: Julian Bergmusic: Alexander W. D.
B-SIDE OF LIFEdir.: Vincent Sylvainsound: Marco Dahl, Julian Bergmusic: Alexander W. D., Peter Heinzmann
Jacob & Joshdir.: Alexander Kühnsound: Sirius Kestelmusic: Alexander W. D. & Vitali Ehret
FORMULA Edir.: Sinan Sevinçsound: Marco Dahl & Julian Berg (berg&dahl audio)music: Alexander W. D.
TOOLS FOR CREATIONdir.: Pascal Schelblisound: Robin Harffmusic: Jonas Wolf, Alexander W. D.
BAYER - FARMER (DC)dir.: Eugen Merhermusic: Alexander W. D.sound:
INAN dir.: Sinan Sevic & Dominik Ströhlesound: Marco Dahlmusic: Alexander W. D.
Shortfilmdir.: Eugen Merhersound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
OUR SANTAdir.: Hoffman & Metoyer music: Alexander W. D.
DAY IN THE LIGHTdir.: Janssen Powersmusic: Alexander W. D. & Stefan Benz
SOCIAL SPOTdir.: Mario Dahlsound: Berg und Dahl Audiomusic: Alexander W. D.
YOU DECIDE! dir.: Anja Gielesound: Marco Dahlmusic: Alexander W. D.
END OF DECADENCE dir.: Nico Kreismusic & sound: Wolfsrudel Music
IT ALL STARTS IN YOUR HEADdir.: Zornitsa Dimitrovasound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
GRANATAPFELdir.: Christian Schillingsound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
VISAdir.: Humbi Entressmusic: Alexander W. D.
ENTSORGT IHN! dir.: Mario Dahlsound: Marco Dahlmusic: Alexander W. D.
BEDsound: Denis Elmacimusic: Alexander W. D.
LOVEdir.: Eugen Merhersound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
TIMELESS MACHINE DCdir.: Nico Kreissound: Denis Elmaci music: Alexander W. D. & Petteri Sainio
COMEdir.: Dimitri Tsvetkovsound & music: Alexander W. D.
NOT EVERYTHING IS BUILT TO LASTdir.: Dimitri Tsvetkovmusic: Alexander W. D.
AVALON dir.: Nico Kreissound: NHB Studiosmusic: Alexander W. D. & Petteri Sainio
dir.: Jonas Schneidermusic & sound: Alexander W. D.
LAKEWOODdir.: Christian Schillingsound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
WORLD-CUP-WARRIORS dir.: Nico Kreissound: Denis Elmacimusic: Petteri Sainio & Alexander W. D.
KILL THE NOISEdir.: Christian Schillingsound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
BREAK FREEdir.: Eugen Merhersound: Marcus Fassmusic: Alexander W. D.
iSHARESdir.: Bernd Faasssound: Denis Elmacimusic: Alexander W. D. & Stefan Benz
NEW START dir.: Zornitsa Dimitrovasound: Robin Harffmusic: Alexander W. D.
ALL IS ALL YOU NEED dir.: Daniel Michaelissound: Robin Harffmusic: Nico Altmannsberger & Alexander W. D.
KOSMOSdir.: Bernd Faasssound: Denis Elmacimusic: Wolfsrudel Music, Hannes Bieber
CZECH HOCKEYdir.: Nico Kreissound: Denis Elmacimusic: Alexander W. D.
DREAM LABdir.: Pascal Schelblisound: Anna Montemusic: Alexander W. D.
A DARK MOMENT OF FAITHdir.: Zornitsa Dimitrovasound: Julian Berg, Marco Dahlmusic: Wolfsrudel Music
MAKE SAVINGS FUNmusic: Alexander W. D.
ITFS 2015
FMX 2018
THE LOOPdir.: Dominik Ströhlemusic: ALEXANDER W. D.
EQC 2019 WINTER TESTsound: Denis Elmacimusic: Alexander W. D.
SHUFFLEdir.: Lars Timmermannsound&music: Denis Elmaci, Alexander W. D.